Fr Peter O’Neill SSC
Columban Regional Director - Oceania
Fr Peter O’Neill SSC is the Columban Regional Director Oceania. After his ordination in 1990, Peter was assigned to the Columban mission in Taiwan where he ministered for 26 years in the Diocese of Hsinchu, one hour south of the capital Taipei. While in Taiwan, Peter was the Diocesan Coordinator for social and pastoral services for migrants, trafficked peoples and immigrants, and the Director of the Diocesan Migrant Centre which he helped establish in 1996. He also established four safe houses for trafficked women and men. On three occasions he attended the United Nations Human Rights Council and the International Labour Conference in Geneva. Peter was a regular guest speaker at International Migrant Conferences
In July 2017, Peter was assigned to Australia and became a member of ACRATH. In January 2019, Peter became ACRATH’s representative on the Australian Government’s Seasonal Worker Program Advisory Committee and in November 2021, he became ACRATH’s representative on the Australian Government’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme Agriculture Committee. Peter is also a member of the ACRATH Advocacy Team.